TIBHAR IV-L Light Contact Holz

Article TT Blade
Model IV-L Light Contact
Strategy ALL
Layers 4
Speed 78
Control 88
Weight ca. 85g
Other from serie IV:
IV-L Balsa

Price Comparision (2)

zum Produkt
Tibhar Holz IV-L Light Contact / Tischtennisholz / NEU / zum Sonderpreis
Selling and Shipping by ttshop-ostalb*de
35,90 EUR*
(+ possible shipping costs: s. seller)
zum Produkt
Tibhar IV-L , IV-L Light Contact , IV-L Balsa , IV-S
Selling and Shipping by www*tt-shop*de
38,90 EUR*
(+ possible shipping costs: s. seller)

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*Price, VAT incl. (The price may have risen in the meantime.)

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